A U.S. shipping company that storesand delivers goods
from U.S. and UK to Ukraine and CIS countries
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC),
Wash, D.C., Wed, July 29, 2015
WASHINGTON, D.C. - UKRAINE EXPRESS, aU.S. shipping companay that stores and delivers goods from U.S. and UK toUkrainne and CIS Countries, has become the latest U.S. firm to join theU.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC). The announcement was made today bythe USUBC executive committee on behalf of the over 200 companies andorganizations who are members of USUBC.
It's a well-known fact that online shopping from overseas oftenrequires intermediary storage in the country of a seller. There may bemany reasons for that but the most common one is that there is no internationalshipping to the country you buy from or the shipping rate is so high that itexceeds the cost of the order itself. ''Ukrainian Express", www.ukraine-express.com,is this kind of intermediary storage.
"UkraineExpress" is one of the biggest shipping companies that will help you tohave your goods stored and delivered from United States through any port inEurope into Ukraine or any of CIS countries in the lowest price and shortesttime possible.
Thefirst offices of the company "Ukraine Express" opened for business inDetroit and Chicago on February 15, 2010. During the same year, the companyopened a number of additional offices, hired hundreds of agents andrepresentatives in USA and in many other countries, especially in Ukraine.Having lots of competitors "Ukraine Express" struggled to be oneof the best companies in its field and it has succeeded.
"Ukraine Express" established relationships with a huge number ofbusiness partners and served thousands of satisfied customers. The companyproved to be a reliable and responsible partner. Now only because of thecompany's market efforts people are paying less for shipping parcels to Ukraineor nearby countries. The company's goal has always been to benefit peopleliving in Ukraine, so that Ukrainians would not have to overpay when they wouldlike to send a parcel to relatives or friends.
If you ask any customer they would say that the greatest advantage apart fromlower rates of shipping is that everyone willing to buy goods from UnitedStates can use the company's address in a tax free state absolutely for free.You can also keep your ordered goods at the storage facility up to 90 days,consolidate one parcel from few tracking numbers and vice versa if the value ofgoods is more than acceptable norm - all that for free as well!
"Ukraine Express" dealsnot only with shipping from US but also from United Kingdom. The company offersthe most competitive rates, full safety and efficiency of your goods which aredelivered from UK the fastest and safest way - by air. With "UkraineExpress" you can ship food, clothes, cosmetics, electronics, vehicles andeven industrial and agricultural machinery.
CONTAINER TRANSPORT -----"Ukraine Express" company offer shipment services of cars,motorcycles, boats, construction equipment, industrial equipment and any otherpreferable goods from the US to any country in the world. An individualapproach to every single customer will allow you to turn the containertransportation from troublesome and costly business into a simple procedure.
AIR DELIVERY FROM USA -----Company provides airtransportation from the US to almost any country in the world and from Ukraineto USA. Ukraine Express transports air cargoes of any size and any weightranging from regular package to dangerous cargoes. You'll be surprised howquickly your goods are delivered.
PARCEL SERVICE -----"Ukraine Express" deliversparcels from USA to Ukraine. There’s a network of offices and agentsacross the United States as well as in Ukraine and other European countries.
A system of bar-codes and realtime operating system for parcel tracking have been implemented to improveservice level. Every action goes through the scanner whether the parcel shippedfrom the agent or loaded into the container. This way you can completelyexclude the probability of parcel disappearing.
CARGO SERVICE -----Sometimes there's a need to ship asmall load or batch of goods which is not enough to fill the entire container.In such cases you face the fact that costs become disproportionate to load.Consolidation of goods from Ukraine Express helps to solve this problem!
Cargoconsolidation is the service for those who wishes to send low volume cargoesfrom the US to one of the CIS countries. The main idea is that the companyfinds and adds your load to another one to fill the container. Thus, cargoconsolidation helps to reduce the cost of transportation of small batches orsingle loads significantly. We will promptly find the cargo to consolidate withand reduce the delay of dispatch to a minimum.
"Ukraine Express" alsoprovides a repackaging service. This service is most acute in cases when youneed to save space in the container or provide additional protection of fragilegoods. Cargo consolidation may be carried out both in case of shipment of onebox from online store as well as shipment of cars, boats or other bulky cargo.In addition "Ukraine Express" provides paperwork services for all thenecessary export documents and custom clearance of goods in Ukraine.
Complete knowledge ofinternational legal norms, laws of Ukraine and vast experience allows the companyto quickly and correctly prepare all the necessary documents in the UnitedStates and clear any goods through the customs in Ukraine fast and at low cost.Representatives in Ukraine are fully competent in correct customs clearancewith the minimal loss ranging from clothes and video equipment to heavyconstruction equipment and yachts.
Customs clearance is the finalstep when the cargo has made a long way from any country in the world toUkraine. If you choose Ukraine Express, your cargo will be safe from the pointof departure to the discharge terminal and will be cleared through customs atthe lowest rates. "Ukraine Express" provides paperwork servicefor all the necessary documents for transportation.
All the information about shippingand terms of sending you can find at www.ukraine-express.com
"UkraineExpress" has followed the corporate social responsibilityprinciples since the very first days. The company deals a lot withvolunteering. One of the most helpful and vivid actions was the opportunity forfree shipping to Ukraine during the Maidan and conflict in the East of Ukraine.Thousands people sent hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid to the soldiers andbattalions that protected Ukraine.
CONTACT: "Ukraine Express" main office in Delaware:
78 McCullough Dr., New Castle DE19720, USA
Phone Number: 973-253-0050
E-mail: info@ukraine-express.com
Working Hours: Monday: 9am-6pm;Tuesday: 9am-6pm; Wednesday: 9am-6pm; Thursday: 9am-6pm; Friday: 9am-6pm
Currently the relatively young butambitious and professional team start to work with a large number of commercialcustomers which until recently did not even realize how convenient the shippingservice with "Ukraine Express" could be. Day by day it attractsmore and more clients, because of all the advantages of their excellentservice.
The U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), www.USUBC.org, is very proud to add"Ukraine Express" to its membership.USUBC is always pleased towelcome new companies to the membership," said Morgan Williams,SigmaBleyzer, who serves as President of USUBC." "USUBC looks forwardto working with "Ukraine Express" to help it achieve its goal 'tobenefit people living in Ukraine, so that Ukrainians would not have to overpaywhen they would like to send a parcel to relatives or friends,' saidWilliams."
NEWS: For the latest news about Ukraine go to the KYIV POST website: www.KyivPost.com.
The Kyiv Post of the ISTIL Group is a member of theU.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC).
NOTE: If you do not wish to be on the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council(USUBC), distribution list please write to usubc@usubc.org.
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council(USUBC)
"A strong international voice for business in Ukraine for 20years"
1300 I. Street, N.W., Suite 720 W, Washington, D.C. 20005
E-mail: mwilliams@usubc.org.; Web: www.USUBC.org
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