Dear Members of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council: 

We cordially invite the members of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council to join our American Business Delegation to the EBRD’s Annual Meeting and Business Forum, taking place May 7-9 in Sarajevo.  U.S. Ambassador Erik Hunt and his team in Sarajevo plan a special welcome for our Delegates. Including a reception hosted by Ambassador Nelson on Tuesday, May 7.  Please see below for more information and how to register.  

Join the American Business Delegation to the
EBRD Annual Meeting and Business Forum
May 7-9, 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

This year’s theme for the EBRD Annual Meeting is "Connecting Economies for Stronger Growth," with an emphasis on the Western Balkans.  The Presidents of Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo as well as the Prime Ministers of Albania, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina will speak at the High Level Panel on Western BalkansOther sessions will focus on Digitalization, Green Cities, Sustainable Tourism, and Good Governance.  The full program can be viewed at

Individual Investment Outlook Sessions, with Ministry and private sector panelists, will provide updates on doing business in these countries:

Western Balkans (At the leader level - including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro,

Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, and North Macedonia)






As part of the American Business Delegation, you will:

·         Be a guest of honor at a reception and networking event on May 7, hosted by U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Eric Nelson, where you will network with Ministry officials, BiH business leaders, and American Chamber of Commerce representatives;

·         Meet senior leaders from the U.S. Departments of State, Treasury, USAID, OPIC and Commerce, as well as representatives of U.S. Embassies in the region;

·         Receive assistance in arranging appointments with EBRD officials during the events.

How to Participate

Ø      Register for the EBRD Annual Meeting and Business Forum at 

Ø      Notify Mary Boscia, Senior Commercial Officer/Commercial Adviser, U.S. Office at the EBRD, that you wish to join the American Business Delegation:;

We look forward to welcoming the members of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council to Sarajevo!

Kind regards,

Mary Boscia
Adviser (Commercial) – USA
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN, United KingdomTel: +44 20 7338 7493

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