How Agriculture is Transforming Ukraine
Webinar Invite: How Agriculture is Transforming Ukraine, 03 November 2020, 11:00 - 12:30 (EEST)
Ukraine is the global agricultural powerhouse and its strength is growing each year. We will discuss key issues facing agricultural business in Ukraine and how the changes would contribute to the growth of the agricultural industry. How would availability of finance and land market affect the future of Ukraine’s agriculture? What to expect from the existing and new players in the market?
Issues to be covered at the discussion:
1. Ukraine’s place in the global map of agricultural sector
2. Season outlook: old-new bottlenecks, effect of drought and quality issues
3. Snapshot on the recent M&A, financing and infrastructure transactions in the agricultural sector
4. A new financing instruments: is there a solution?
5. Land market of Ukraine: the Who, What, When, And How Much
- land available for sale from 2021;
- permitted buyers;
- expectations regarding the purchase price;
- various restrictions regarding agricultural land acquisition; and
- consequences for breach of established restrictions.
The working language of the webinar will be Ukrainian.
Participation is by prior registration.
Link to the webinar will be provided after registration.
We have a limited number of available seats, be the first to register and do not miss an opportunity to hear the expert opinions.



Володимир Гуменюк
Volodymyr Gumeniuk
Співзасновник Барва Інвест
Co-founder, Barva Invest


Олена Зирянова
Elena Zyrianova
Незалежний трейдер сировинними товарами, в минулому регіональний менеджер у низці транснаціональних компаній
An independent commodities trader, ex-country manager in a number of multinational companies


Ігор Олехов
Ihor Olekhov
Партнер, Керівник практики банківського та фінансового права
Partner, Head of Banking & Finance
CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang


Наталія Кушнірук
Natalia Kushniuk
Партнер, Нерухомість та будівництво
Partner, Real Estate and Construction
CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang


Орест Матвійчук
Orest Matviychuk
Старший юрист,
Агрібізнес, банківське та фінансове право
Senior Associate, Agribusiness, Banking & Finance
CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang