"Ukraine's Economic Situation and Challenges", - USUBC hosted a roundtable with Anders Aslund Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council in Kyiv.
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC),
Wash, D.C., Thu, Nov 14, 2019
On Thursday, November 14, U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) hosted a roundtable "Ukraine's Economic Situation and Challenges" with Dr. Anders Aslund, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, followed by a Q&A/discussion.
Dr. Anders Aslund has been active in Ukraine for over 25 years and he is a leading economic expert on Ukraine. He is the longest serving Senior Advisor to the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), www.USUBC.org. He has been a USUBC Senior Advisor for almost 20 years. USUBC counts on Anders for several economic briefings each year.
Dr. Aslund made an invaluable contribution to the founding of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) and continues as Senior Advisor to the KSE Board of Directors. Dr. Aslund is a Member of the Supervisory Board of Ukrainian Railways (UZ).
“Despite the adoption of good laws in turbo regime, Ukraine has lack of foreign direct investment. IMF is waiting for SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) and judicial reform” – Dr. Anders Aslund said during a meeting.
President of U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) Morgan Williams, moderated the roundtable.
In the picture: James Brooke, Editor, Ukraine Business News.
This meeting was attended by over 40 business representatives from SigmaBleyzer, KPMG Ukraine, Archer Daniel Midlands (ADM), Bueling Inc UA, Cub Energy, DTEK, Energy Resources of Ukraine, Ernst & Young Ukraine, Kyiv Post, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Nibulon, RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group, SDM Partners Law Firm, USAID Ukraine, Western NIS Enterprise Fund, Voice of America and others.
USUBC is very grateful to all panelist who participated in the event: Andriy Tsymbal, Managing Partner, KPMG in Ukraine; Robert Bond, Chief of Party, DAI; Dale Perry, Managing Partner, Energy Recourses of Ukraine; Sergii Panchuk, Chief Executive Officer, CUB Energy; Jim Brooke, Editor in Chief, Ukraine Business News; Ruben Beliaev, Senior Government Relations Manager, ADM; Vitaliy Fedchuk, Head of Corporate Engagement and Government Affairs, Bayer.