Meest is Ready to Ship Your Humanitarian Support for Ukraine
USUBC, Wash, D.C., Sat, Mar 5, 2022
Shipping company Meest is accepting humanitarian aid packages for Ukraine: https://us.meest.com/humanitarian-aid-packages-for-ukraine
Founded in 1995, Meest-America, Inc, a subsidiary of Meest Corporation Inc which was founded in 1989, is providing logistics solutions to Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Over the years, Meest-America, Inc has grown into an industry leader by focusing on the goal of connecting customers in the United States with their families, friends, and businesses in Eastern Europe.
This also includes e-commerce between those countries. Today, Meest-America has become a dominant force in package delivery with services to Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. Our specialized transportation and logistics services to those countries lead the way as the most recognized brand in North America.
LINK to Meest-America website: https://us.meest.com/
MISSION is to provide the best international package and freight delivery service at the most competitive price on the market using our web-based transportation management system. Our goal is to establish ourselves as the best logistic service provider by earning the respect of our shippers and developing satisfied customers. Our core values are providing value in all that we do, continuous improvement of our services and people.
Support for Ukrainian People
Meest is accepting humanitarian aid packages for Ukraine: https://us.meest.com/humanitarian-aid-packages-for-ukraine
Meest teamed up with crisis response teams here in the USA, and in Ukraine,
who are briefing us daily on the most urgently-needed items.
Please make note of very important information:
1. At this time, we are ONLY accepting items from the list
2. Prior to traveling to our Port Reading, NJ Warehouse to drop off your
packages, please contact us at 1-800-288-9949 with the following information:
- Name of organization & Person who will be delivering packages
- Number of total packages
- Description of package contents
- Estimated time of arrival
3. In order to easily expedite packages, all packages MUST be sorted according to category – food with food, first aid with first aid, etc.
4. Please clearly label each package’s contents on the outside of the package.
5. Please DO NOT send any items on our restricted list.
6. Please DO NOT send any clothes or diapers at this time since we are completely overstocked
7. To qualify for free shipping, please be certain to ONLY pack the urgent items on our list.
To help with the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine during times of war, Meest-America is collecting humanitarian aid donations to be shipped to Ukraine. All packages will be delivered into Ukraine to our International Charitable Foundation “Meest” in Lviv (Міжнародний Благодійний Фонд "Міст") and dispersed to selected Ukrainian charity relief organizations who will distribute goods where needed all throughout Ukraine.
Three of the charitable organizations we work with in Ukraine are Організація «Народна самооборона Львівщини» / Lviv Samooborona, Caristas Ukraine, and BackAndAlive. We are open to working with any charitable organizations in Ukraine to deliver humanitarian aid. Please contact us directly.
We can now offer FREE SHIPPING* from our New Jersey head office (600 Markley Street, Port Reading) to Ukraine to International Charitable Foundation Meest.
Packages dropped off at agent locations (in NY, NJ, PA, CT, MA, and MD) will be subject to shipping charges, at a heavily discounted price of $2.30 per pound and $5 per parcel. Packages from other states can also be shipped to our Meest Warehouse in NJ at your own cost, and then Meest will deliver them for FREE directly to Lviv to be dispersed by our International Charitable Foundation Meest.
* Free Shipping to Ukraine was made possible by our partners. We are very thankful for their support at this critical time. On behalf of these organizations, we ask that you please consider sending them a monetary donation to offset their expenses as they work diligently and tirelessly to help the people of Ukraine!
- REVIVED SOLDIERS UKRAINE: Non-profit organization dedicated to providing aid to the people of Ukraine in support of their fundamental human rights and medical rehabilitation of Ukrainian soldiers
- RAZOM FOR UKRAINE: A non-profit organization whose current emergency response is focused on purchasing medical supplies for critical situations like blood loss and other tactical medicine items
- UNITED HELP UKRAINE: Charitable organization receiving and distributing donations, food and medical supplies to people of Ukraine affected by Russia’s invasion
- UNWLA/UKRAINIAN NATIONAL WOMEN’S LEAGUE OF AMERICA: The UNWLA is asking all to join their efforts in providing humanitarian aid to civilians inside Ukraine as well as military hospitals caring for injured soldiers
*PLEASE NOTE: Only the priority items in this list qualify for FREE SHIPPING. All other items will be subject to charges.
Packing details for humanitarian aid packages:
- The maximum weight of each package is 66 lb (30kg)
- Pack each package by item category (i.e. food with food, clothes with clothes, etc)
- Write the category of goods on the outside of each package
- Provide a detailed description of goods in each package
- Provide an estimated value for each package
Meest is prepared to work with any and all organizations in collecting and distributing humanitarian aid in Ukraine. We are also looking for partners to assist us with covering shipping costs.
If you’d like to partner with Meest, please reach out directly. For more information reach out to us on social media, email us at info.usa@meest.com or contact our customer service department at 1-800-288-9949
Contacts, locations and work hours can be found here: https://us.meest.com/contact-us
LINK to Meest website, where you can find answers to FAQ: https://us.meest.com/humanitarian-aid-packages-for-ukraine