Ministers of Canada and Ukraine have signed the Free Trade Agreement
PwC, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mon, July 18, 2016
On 11 July 2016, Canada and Ukraine signed the Free Trade Agreement* on the ministerial level**.
Under the new Trade Agreement Canada will eliminate customs duties for 99% of goods originating in Ukraine, once the Agreement becomes effective. The exceptions are made for poultry, dairy products, cheese, eggs, sugar and motor vehicles.
Ukraine will eliminate customs duties for about 80% of goods originating in Canada, while for the rest of the goods the duties will be eliminated during the transition periods of 1, 3, 5 or 7 years. Certain agricultural products will be subject to reduced duties, tariff quotas (pork) or subject to no preferences at all (sugar).
In order to benefit from the preferential duties, exporters will have to provide a proof of origin in the form of invoice declaration. No procedure of receiving certificates of origin is prescribed in the Agreement.
The Agreement also covers trade facilitation, non-tariff measures, e-commerce, public procurements and other areas.
The Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement shall come into force only after further ratification by the Parliaments of Canada and Ukraine.
Camiel van der Meij, Partner & TLS Leader, camiel.van.der.meij@ua.pwc.com
Slava Vlasov, Partner, Tax and Legal Services, slava.vlasov@ua.pwc.com
Andrey Pronchenko, Partner, Tax and Legal Services, andrey.pronchenko@ua.pwc.com
Denis Shendryk, Senior Manager, Customs and International Trade Leader, Tax and Legal Services, denis.shendryk@ua.pwc.com
75 Zhylyanska Street | Kyiv | Tel: +380 44 354 0404 | Fax: +380 44 354 0790 | pwc.ukraine@ua.pwc.com | www.pwc.com/ua
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